It's been a while since I last wrote - a sick child will do that for you. :-) My buddy Matthew is currently teething (I THINK!) and it's been, um, interesting.
Yesterday was one of THOSE days. You know the ones - where you think at the beginning of the day, "I got so much done yesterday of the normal chores that today I can get a ton of things done that I've been pushing off!" I should know better. I know not to think these thoughts, but I stupidly did it anyway. Everything was going pretty well. Got up to work out, finished, showered, cleaned up the upstairs, and went to get Matthew changed and dressed for the day. That is when we hit poop city. ALL down his leg of his footie pjs. Gross. Poor kiddo has been like this since Sunday evening. I believe it is his teeth b/c he has the teething diaper rash, no fever, happy otherwise...but also no real appetite and only wants to drink from his cup.
Anyway, got him all cleaned up and dressed for the day and disposed of the HORRENDOUS diaper (I've changed so many in the past few days I feel like it is permanently burned into my nostrils - I smell it all the time!). Got downstairs, got the kids their breakfasts, and then got mine and did my Bible reading. I was excitedly "mentally planning" (I swear, my brain is like a computer - it pulls up lists of "daily chores", "pending items", "reminders", etc... If only it wouldn't CRASH so often!!!) my whole morning when I walked in to the family room and saw my son's face. SOLID RED. That can only mean one thing, my friends...and if you've had kids, you know exactly what I'm talking about. By the time I ran and got the diaper and rag (we use baby rags instead of wipes b/c Cae was so allergic to them - saves money too) was too late. Within 30 seconds of "the movement", it had soaked through his diaper, onesie, and pants. I quickly realized that it was a "throw him in the tub, turn on the water, strip his clothes off, rinse in tub, rinse all nastiness down tub, hose child off, then run bath" type of situation. Matty, having had this already several other times this week, immediately started loudly shrieking. He HATES the sprayer detachment on our shower head. Very quickly "the dream" of that perfect morning was going down the drain with... well, other stuff. Got him all washed and dried and redressed and made a quick decision that with all of the other clothes since Sunday that had been messed on, it was time to do a bleach load of laundry. Great. One more thing to add now to my "new list" of chores for the day. Got downstairs, was about to go to the basement to throw in the load...and Caelynn has an accident. She's been potty trained for over a year now and we don't have accidents anymore. Super. Now SHE has to be dealt with. Get that done, throw in the wash, try to finish up and clean up from the other incidents...and now it's almost 11. What HAPPENED to my PERFECT PLANS?????
What am I trying to prove through this? It's amazing how quickly I went from this happy, euphoric woman to grumpy, frazzled, complaining, "I HATE TODAY!" excuse of a Christian. And's sort of humorous. I was letting myself get COMPLETELY bent out of shape over a small "hiccup" in my "planned day". And as I was chastising myself and trying to get back on happened again. Another outfit totally messed up and needing to be replaced (as my current bleach load is spinning out at the end of the wash cycle)'s all good.
After his nap he wanted to be held. I sat with him on my lap for over an hour as we watched Sesame Street. And while he watched it, I was kissing his head and just enjoying SNUGGLING him (and deeply inhaling the lovely after-scents of Baby Magic, which I don't think I will EVER get sick of smelling, no matter how long I live!). In a few years, he won't even want to be seen with me let alone letting me hug him! I don't do it often enough. I don't sit with him and just hold him and have that time with my kids. I always have "something else" that "needs" to be done. While it's great to be busy and be active and conscientious about needs, whether at work, home, church, etc..., sometimes we just need to SIT and be STILL and SAVOR the moment! I SOOOO needed that reminder! After all, isn't that why we've made the sacrifice for me to stay home with my kids right now at this age?
Are plans good to have? Yes. Should we try to have a goal of things we'd like to accomplish? Yes. But should we (okay, I mean "I"!) allow ourselves to get completely befuddled by an unexpected hiccup in our day? No. It's hard for a Type A personality to "roll with the punches" and "go with the flow", but it can be done and NEEDS to be done. Because what am I showing to my kids? Am I showing them that Mommy is annoyed by these things that can't be helped? Am I letting God set my day up for me? I have to ask myself, "What does it take to stop you, Melissa? What does it take to get you off track and angry, upset, annoyed, unraveled?" Apparently, sometimes, it's poop. :-)
One more thing to work on...but work on it we shall! :-) Today I told myself to not set anything in stone and to "expect the unexpected"...and I STILL got so much done! ;-)
Mel, I love your comment about your computer brain crashing! I'm there so many times! Have a great day!