Last time we met, I spoke how we moved to Colorado. We arrived at the end of August, bought our "fixer upper" of a house in December, and moved in the last day of February. (Our 6 month lease wasn't up until then and that was such a blessing in disguise because we found out that there was mold all in the main bathroom. So, my husband had to totally gut it down to studs and redo it while also working 10-12 hour days. He finished our shower the night before we moved in!)
Anyway, we quickly settled in and continued on our renovation projects, but that spare bedroom was calling to us. We had talked and decided that we'd love to have our kids about two years apart. We figured #2 would be on the way pretty quickly since we got pregnant with Caelynn so fast. That wasn't the case.
Sometimes I wonder why God allows us to go through different trials and circumstances. But later, when we meet someone who is going through the same thing, it makes more sense. Like going through a miscarriage as a first time mom. That is something that can be used as a greater good in another woman's life going through the same thing. This time around, we struggled with infertility a bit. As time went on and still no baby, I began to worry. I hadn't been feeling like I did before I had Caelynn. I was more tired, I was having a difficult time losing weight, and there was no baby on the way. I went to my doctor and asked what was wrong. Her advice was "lose some weight, and that should solve the problem." I wasn't massive, I wasn't obese - just about 40-50 pounds over what I wanted to be (like pre-marriage weight, the lowest I had ever been). But, it's hard to lose weight when you've been working out and dieting and still not able to take the pounds off. I shared this struggle privately with a few friends and heard the same advice over and over. "Get checked for PCOS - PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome." After researching it extensively (b/c that is the nerdy O.C.D. in me), I went BACK to the doctor and said, "I think I have this. Please can we check this?" She granted me the blood tests and they came back positive. I was started on medication that would help rebalance my hormones and get me back into a normal cycle again. Looking back, it was most likely due to having SO many HUGE changes in our lives so soon after Caelynn was born that my body was totally out of whack. However, I truly believe this was just one more opportunity to both rely on the Lord and to also experience what so many other women go through. I have friends who have had infertility issues for years - and now I know a taste of that pain and heart ache.
We continued to pray for a little one. In the summer of 2009 I had another miscarriage very early on. We were excited that my medicine seemed to be working, but saddened again at the loss. A few months later, in October I believe, the morning sickness started. This time - I was 6 weeks along and already vomiting. But, when you've waited so long and prayed so hard for that little one, that morning sickness session was a daily reminder that our prayers had been answered. We were SO excited! :-) My due date was at the beginning of July, which would put our two little ones almost EXACTLY two years apart. We were thrilled! :-) I went for my first ultrasound at about 8 weeks along - they told me I was just 6 weeks along. I was like, "That isn't right." Mama knows best - 2 weeks later they took another ultrasound and realized I was right. :-)
However, a few weeks later, I started to spot and bleed a bit. My heart SANK. I tried to keep it together, I tried to not lose faith, but I was quickly telling myself, "Well, that is that. It's okay. It's okay!" I immediately called our on-call nurse and she put my fears to rest. Spotting sometimes occurs during the 1st trimester as the baby embeds further into the placenta. This had happened to my aunt with her 2nd child. We joke now - that child is definitely a MAMA'S GIRL so we kid around that it was just Kelly getting closer to her Mama. :-) Matty is the same - definitely a Mama's boy!
This pregnancy was about 10-20 times WORSE than Caelynn's. My morning sickness was more severe. I threw up constantly, it started at 6 weeks and just kept going. One morning, I almost passed out on our treadmill. I started to have bouts of nearly blacking out, which isn't really conducive when you are home alone and chasing after an active one-year-old. My doctor quickly put me on anti-vomit meds 4 times a day, which helped the day time sickness, but did NOTHING for my morning sickness. If I took a nap, I threw up immediately afterwards. If I didn't nap, I was exhausted. My joints and bones ached so horribly I'd cry walking around the house. By evening, I could hardly move.
My aunt (my mom has 4 younger sisters, so lots of aunts!) heard of my joint issues and immediately put in a call to her physician. My Aunt Jo had the same problem when pregnant with my cousin. She almost died during delivery. Joint pain to that extent can be a sign of placenta issues. I was petrified. I also discovered that at certain times, due to Matty's size and position, he'd lay across one of my central nerves and cause that feeling of "I'm going to black out!" so a dear nurse friend advised me to get on my hands and knees and just rock back and forth, which would relieve the pressure on my nerve. Caelynn thought I was a horse - and sometimes would try to climb on! ;-) It looked strange, but it worked!
Since I was having these symptoms similar to Cae's but worse, I figured we were having a girl. Every night, however, Rich prayed SPECIFICALLY for "our son". He was totally convinced...and he was right. :-) I was nervous - I knew nothing of baby boys! And admittedly - girls have the WAY CUTER CLOTHES! Now I'm SO THANKFUL that when we were having Caelynn, I picked out all NEUTRAL items for the "big ticket" stuff like stroller, beginner crib settings, car seat, swing, pack-n-play...
We were pumped to meet our little man, and even at 20 weeks I was QUITE READY to be DONE being pregnant!
Around that time - 20 weeks or so - my blood pressure began to rise. I was still faithfully power walking 5 days a week for at least 1 1/2-2 miles. My weight gain was moderate (kept it at 40 pounds or under for each child) - but the blood pressure began to rise, and they began to monitor me more closely. Once again, the water weight and swelling began. Looking back at the pics of me going from 20,24,28,32,36 weeks - you can see the water start to fill my face until I was SO SWOLLEN.
36 weeks pregnant. Look how SWOLLEN my face was! Eesh! I look like I was having some kind of allergic reaction! |
By 36 weeks, they were really starting to watch me. The blood pressure was NOT in a healthy/safe range so they were constantly monitoring my protein levels, did many fetal stress tests, and would hook me up to monitors. Not the best time to do it when you have an almost two-year-old by yourself at every appointment. :-) Thankfully, they had a small tv/dvd player in the monitoring room so they'd put on a little video for her while I had to sit still and let them test Matty's heart rate during movements.
By 38 weeks, the mid-wife at our practice said, "Next week you come back and you make sure you see the head ob/gyn. You need to have this baby, but I can't authorize that." I went to my 39 week appointment thinking, "this could be it - I could actually NOT go over my due date this time."
After the nurse took my blood pressure and remarked how high it was, my beloved ob/gyn came in, took one look at me, said, "I don't like how you look. You need to go today. Do you have childcare so you can go to the hospital? You need this baby out NOW!"
IT WAS GO TIME!!!! be continued...